Take a chandelier from boring brass to a customized country charmer with a fresh coat of paint and textured shades that mimic handmade paper! A new thick and slow-drying paint product(Paper Perfect) contains paper fibers and can be embedded with fashion yarns and dried pressed flowers. Coat white clip-on shades with Paper Perfect and press no natural trims, then paint your chandelier to match your cottage-garden theme.

Materials: Five white clip-on chandelier shades, Deco Art Paper Perfect in desired color, Palette Knife, Three different kinds of yarns that coordinate with your flowers and paint, scissors, wooden skewer or piece of think dowel and sharpened end, Assorted dried and pressed flowers and leaves, acrylic paints in your choice of colors, two artist brushes, clear-coat sealer.
Tip: Before tackling your shades, experiment with the paint, yarn and flowers on a piece of cardboard.

A. Apply a thick coat of paper paint to the shade with a palette knife. Work on one section at a time until the entire shade is covered. (see photo A) The paper paint should extend just beyond the top and bottom edges of the shade and should be thick enough to accept pieces of yarn and flowers.
B. Select various sizes, colors and styles of yarn and an assortment of flowers and leaves to embed in the wet paper paint. Cut yarn into manageable lengths and work with one type at a time. Lay a length of yarn diagonally from the top to the bottom of the shade embedding it securely in the paper paint at each edge, then trim excess with scissors. Push the yarn into the paper paint, making sure it is securely anchored in the paint but still clearly visible.
C. While the paper paint is still wet, work on one section at a time and apply dried and pressed flowers and leaves in a balanced arrangement. Position pressed flowers and leaves and push the centers down using your finger of the wooden skewer(photo C). For dried flowers insert the flower stems into the paper paint. Cover all of the shade.
Note: The paper paint will take between 12 and 24 hours to dry. Let dry overnight.
Finish painting the Chandelier with desired paints and trims! Apply a coat of clear matte sealer to protect the finish. Let dry. Insert light bulbs and clip the Finished lampshades in place!
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