For The Best Times In Life!
Band-aid: To fix hurt feelings.
Tissues: For drying little alligator tears.
Cotton Swab: To clean out little ears-for better listening.
Marble: For when you've lost yours.
Rubber Band: To stretch you beyond your limits.
Sweet & Sour Tarts: A reminder that the good comes with a little bad, but the good overcomes!
Button: A reminder to button your lips and count to 10 when angry.
Toothpick: To pick out the good in lying situations.
Lifesaver: For when you've had one of those days.
Flower: A reminder that dandelions mean more than a lavish bouquet.
Star: A reminder of how motherhood makes us shine.
A Kiss: For the little ones to make everything all right!
A Great Gift for New MOMS! Put all of the contents into a bottle or gift basket, tie with ribbon and wish a new mommy a lot of good cheer! As all moms know motherhood is one of the hardest jobs on earth, but the most rewarding of all!
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