Thursday 13 January 2011

Paper Doll Quilt

Welcome to Show and Tell Thursday!
( A new Feature at Deck The Halls of Home with JOY!)
I'm sharing with you an adorable Paper Doll Quilt
my little daughter received for Christmas.
A  beautiful Keepsake Quilt made by Grandma!
A Quilt that serves to keep you warm and entertained!
The fabrics are from Windham/Paper Dolls by Sheryl Rae Marquez

The back of the quilt includes a large pocket for all the
 Paper Doll Clothes and Accessories.
The doll clothes are made with a lining that keep the doll clothes in place on the quilt.
We keep the clothes in a zip lock bag.
The quilt goes everywhere around the house.

Every Little Paper doll is adorable!
My little daughter has so much fun dressing the paper dolls and changing their outfits.
I do too!

This Paper Doll is my daughter's favorite!
Thanks for visiting!
 Handmade Valentine Gifts...
Coming Soon!

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