Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2011!  Welcome Friends! I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas. I sure did!  I'm having a hard time taking the trees down and saying farewell to it all.  I plan to keep the beauty of Christmas shinning brightly a little bit longer, at least until my kids return back to school. I display my Christmas Nativity throughout the year as a gentle reminder to keep the Spirit of Christmas alive.

Today, January 1st, 2011- my little daughter is dancing and singing to her Christmas CD that she received in her stocking, around and around the room she goes with her scarf flying in the air. I'm enjoying her energy and her sweet little voice singing away! How I wish I could bottle her youth and the precious age of SEVEN in a bottle!
As the new year begins, my head is spinning at all the things I want to accomplish this year!  Where do I begin? I'm looking forward to new projects, new adventures and new roads to travel as my kids are moving into new adventures of their own. One will soon be getting a Drivers License, one will be returning HOME(counting down) from a mission, and the list goes on.

A favorite QUILT-- A constant daily reminder:  Twelve Months of  "Be"
Be Warm, Be Loving, Be Positive, Be Kind, Be Patient, Be Respectful, Be Honest, Be Prayerful, Be Smart,
Be Forgiving, Be grateful, Be Joyful!  (Quilt pattern by: Nancy Halvorsen, Be Attitudes)
Every year at the top of my list :  "Enjoy the simple things of everyday life".  I've come to appreciate them so much more as my children grow older.  I've also come to appreciate the spilled milk on the counter, shoes and socks on the floor, Toys and Nerf Gun Bullets everywhere, and so forth as Treasured Blessings.  The "socks on the floor" will someday be a missed memory!
Happy New Year!

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