Welcome! Meet my friend Rebecca, she's truly inspirational! Her home is full of delightful treats, especially through the seasons of Halloween and Christmas!

Today, my little daughter and I was lucky to have the pleasure of sharing the fun of her talents and goodness!

Rebecca's home is filled with Handmade creativity everywhere! The Halloween quilt (yellow brick road pattern) will greet you as you walk in the front door, along with a loving atmospere that is felt the minute you walk in to her home! Around the corner you will find a CHRISTMAS TREE decorated for Halloween--gotta love a Halloween tree!

What FUN, A huge tree branch that Rebecca found and worked her Halloween magic to create a festive, spooky Tree to greet guests at the front door! Check out the Halloween treats made from donut holes from another crafty friend who LOVES Halloween!

Today, my little daughter and I was lucky to have the pleasure of sharing the fun of her talents and goodness!

Rebecca's home is filled with Handmade creativity everywhere! The Halloween quilt (yellow brick road pattern) will greet you as you walk in the front door, along with a loving atmospere that is felt the minute you walk in to her home! Around the corner you will find a CHRISTMAS TREE decorated for Halloween--gotta love a Halloween tree!
In the Kitchen you will find A Countdown to HALLOWEEN calender created by Rebecca, inspired by Pottery Barn! The pockets hold treats and fun surprises!

What FUN, A huge tree branch that Rebecca found and worked her Halloween magic to create a festive, spooky Tree to greet guests at the front door! Check out the Halloween treats made from donut holes from another crafty friend who LOVES Halloween!

"Help me find me Bones" a Halloween Childrens game, hide the bones in the yard, the kids find the bones and stick them on the skeleton! A large glasss jar sampling a few of her adorable mini scrapbooks! Halloween cheers to Rebecca, a super talented and creative gal, a super friend, but most importantly a super Mom!
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