Thursday 19 May 2011

Have a Fun Summer!

Hello Friends!
Life is moving quickly, as it always does!
I'm EXCITED to say....
I'm  HAPPILY setting a extra plate at the dinner table!
My son just returned HOME from a LDS Church Mission from Richmond Virginia!
I can't describe the JOY it is to have him HOME!
I'm celebrating and relishing every moment.
I'm taking TIME to enjoy it all!
School will soon be out for my younger kids.
My children are going all different directions in life.
I will be taking a break from posting for awhile.
My greatest role in life is being a MOM.
There is no greater JOY!
Thank you to everyone for your cupcake orders!
I will be back with more Fall and Christmas Joy!

 Thank you Friends!
Have a wonderful SUMMER!

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