Saturday, 13 December 2008

A Night-Capitol - Odds and Ends

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I've posted a bunch of stuff from Capitol Records today and thought I'd add a few odds and ends leftover. The first is this ad that I used with the "Christmas In Italy" entry.

At the very, very, very bottom of the ad you'll find a two line blurb that reads: Merry Christmas To You! Twelve popular favorites by top recording artists - T9030

While during one of my sweep and clear vinyl rescue missions, I came across this very album cover:

(Click on images to enlarge)

Okay, calm down... First, these songs are available EVERYWHERE on dozens of compilations scattered to the four winds which means I'm not posting any of these.

Second, when I found this at my local thrift store, the record itself was missing. I spent the good portion of an afternoon digging through every single scrap of vinyl trying to play matchmaker. I didn't find it but got a free cover for my troubles.

Consider this a do-it-yourself project.


Hew's a few vintage images from the Capitol archives:

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Both Danny Kaye and Nat King Cole were on the Capitol label in the late 1950s. We all know the Christmas output of Nat but Danny did have a few Christmas singles to boot - most of which were recorded when he was at Decca Records.

Thanks to Linda Haywood at Popular Nostalgia for posting this picture at her site.

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This is the cover of the a Capitol Records Holiday Catalog. These were sent to record stores and businesses to help them discern what to order for their shelves come Christmas time, 1965 A.D.

Did you notice the words "Angel Records" atop the catalog? Angel Records was a classical label from EMI - the British conglomerate that purchased 96% of the Capitol stock in 1957. So when the Beatles signed to EMI Parlophone in the early days and made the move to America, Capitol got the job.

Thanks to Rick Rann who posted this image at his Beatlelist online.


Anyone up for a few YouTube videos? Here's a holiday commercial from 1995 from the boys on Hollywood & Vine (Bob Seger for Christmas? Are ya kiddin'?):

I'm not an Apple person. I've never used a Mac. I've tried three times in the past to download QuickTime to my PC, severely screwing it up every single time.

I've visited iTunes several time but never get past the page where it says "Download iTunes Now". I don't own an iPod. Then there's the iPhone. This status symbol has been flashed at me several times by friends and I even stopped for five minutes at a mall kiosk to get a closer look. I still don't own one.

Capitol Records has a nifty retro Christmas application for the iPhone:

After seeing this, I'm still not getting an iPhone.


One last item: a beautiful picture from Thomas Hawk of Flickr:

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I would be remiss if I didn't mention my share of "Capitol Production Music" from last year. I was listening to this one several days ago and my entire family were digging the music as we decked a hall.

Happy Capitol Christmas!


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